10 Scientifically-Backed Ways How To Be More Attractive

Do you want to be more attractive? It’s no secret that attractiveness is important in life. Attractive people tend to have an easier time getting what they want, whether it be jobs, potential partners, or social status.

According to research, attractive people can make up to 14% more money per year than their less attractive counterparts. But don’t worry – you don’t have to be born beautiful to be attractive.

There are scientifically-backed ways that anyone can become more attractive. Read on for the ten scientifically-backed tips that will help you become more attractive – starting today!

Implement these tips into your daily routine and see the difference they make in your appearance and self-esteem level. You won’t regret it!

How to Be More Attractive

Many things make someone attractive, from their personality to their looks. But what if there were some scientifically-backed ways to become more attractive? Turns out, there are! Here are some of the few:

Exercise regularly

Physical attractiveness is important. Even if you may dislike exercising, it can significantly contribute to making you feel attractive.

It releases endorphins, which have mood-boosting effects, and makes you sweat, which cleanses your skin. Furthermore, it helps you lose weight or maintain normal body fat, and healthy weight, which is also attractive.

In a study from 2015 from the University of Turku, persons who exercised felt more confident. They also felt more attractive and liked their appearance more.

There are plenty of ways to get active and exercise. For example, you could go to the gym or for a run, join a sports team, go mountain biking, or do yoga or Zumba.

Self-confidence and feeling attractive are two important parts of being attractive, so exercising is a great way to become more so!

Smile More

Smiling is one of the easiest and most effective ways to become an attractive person. It makes you look happier, which makes people want to be around you.

Also, smiling has mood-boosting effects. In a 2009 study on how facial expressions can impact happiness, researchers from the University of Cardiff in Wales discovered data that suggests those who smile more often may feel happy.

So not only does smiling contributes to facial attractiveness, but it may also make you feel happier yourself!

Be Kind

There are other factors at play besides appearances when it comes to attractiveness. Good individuals frequently come across as more appealing, much like in the Gwyneth Paltrow film Shallow Hal.

According to Dr. Beall, “the ‘halo effect’ shows that people who are viewed as physically attractive are also viewed as possessing socially positive personality attributes like kindness.”

Displaying kindness makes you more attractive to others. People want to be around the same person who is nice, and who they feel good being around.

Furthermore, being kind often makes the other person feel more attractive as well, which creates a positive feedback loop.

Have a Sense of Humor

People want to be with people who make them laugh and feel good. Also, a good sense of humor shows that you are intelligent and can think on your feet – both attractive traits that are considered attractive.

In fact, having a sense of humor has an important role in attracting women. A lot of studies indicate that women are much more drawn to males makes them laugh.

It’s interesting to note that guys are not generally drawn to women who could make them laugh.

Take Care of Your Appearance

Taking care of your appearance is also a way how to be more attractive and it can make you a confident person. You should wear clothes that flatter your body and make you feel good about yourself.

It’s important to take care of your appearance, whether that means grooming yourself well, growing facial hair for men, or taking care of your skin and hair. When you look good, you’ll feel good – and other people will notice!

According to psychologist Jeremy Nicholson, MSW, Ph.D., who runs The Attraction Doctor blog on Psychology Today, states that “A big part of physical attraction is based on the more changeable components of our self-presentation.”

So take some time to style your hair, pick out some great clothes, wear heels and do whatever else you need to do to make yourself look (and feel) your best.

Eat healthy foods

What you eat also plays a role in how attractive you are. Eating healthy foods helps your skin look clear and glowing, boosts your immune system, and can also help you maintain a healthy weight.

Unhealthy foods, on the other hand, can make your skin look dull and can contribute to weight gain. So if you want to be more attractive, make sure to eat plenty of fruits, vegetables, and other healthy foods.

Evaluate the connections you have with people

In general, people are attracted to the opposite sex who are part of their “in-group,” or those with similar characteristics. In a 2015 study published in “The Journal of Ethics and Education,” participants who had relationships that showed signs of “change, mistaken friendship, fake friendship and estrangement” were polled.

The study discovered that individuals frequently failed to recognize how others were bringing them down and viewed toxic people with “rose-colored glasses,” which could harm their mental health. So it’s important to surround yourself with positive people who make you feel good about yourself.

Adopt or Pet a Dog

They say that dog is man’s best friend, but did you know that a dog can also make you attractive? It follows that it is not unexpected that French researchers discovered that many women tend to be three times more inclined to provide their phone number to a man with a dog than one without.

This is because dogs are generally seen as a sign of responsibility, trustworthiness, and masculinity – all qualities that are considered attractive. So if you want to make yourself more attractive, consider adopting or petting a dog.

Have a positive body language

Your body language says a lot about you and can influence how attractive you are to others. For example, people who are considered attractive tend to have an “open” body language, which means they take up more space and are more likely to make eye contact.

According to the findings of a study conducted in 2016 by several colleges, individuals with expansive body language are more frequently chosen as potential dates than those without it.

In contrast, people who are considered less attractive tend to have a more “closed” body language, which means they take up less space and are more likely to avoid eye contact. So make sure to keep your body language open and inviting.

Wear Red

A person wearing red evokes different reactions in different people. For some, it might be a stop sign or a warning of danger. Others might see love, romance, and passion.

Wearing red might just be the quickest way to make yourself more attractive. A 2012 study published in the Journal of Experimental Psychology found that men rated women as more attractive when they were pictured in red.

The color red is also associated with dominance, which is another quality that is considered attractive. So if you want to make yourself more attractive, consider wearing red.


There are many things you can do to make yourself more attractive, and most of them don’t require a lot of effort. Eating healthy foods, adopting or petting a dog, having positive body language, and wearing red are just simple ways that you can boost your attractiveness. So take some time to think about how you can incorporate these scientifically-backed tips into your own life and see how they can help you become more attractive to others.

Categories: Beauty

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